The Best Christmas Drinks of 2016

Here at Tea Break we love a good hot cuppa, and since all the coffee shops have brought out their Christmas lines, there was only one question on our lips. Which drinks were the best? Which ones gave you that warm feeling AND that festive tickle? Below are our 5 best holidays drinks, perfect for this years festivities!

  1. Toasted marshmallow Hot Chocolate – Costa

    Not only does this hot chocolate have a dash of marshmallow syrup, but also a topping of glittery, yes you read that right GLITTERY, marshmallows. Hot chocolate is already the perfect winter drink, but the toasted marshmallow give it that true festive feel.

  2. Tiramisu Hot Chocolate – Cafe Nero

    A gorgeous twist on the Italian desert classic. And you know what, it genuinely tastes like a Tiramisu, even that little kick of coffee is there for you caffine lovers.

  3. Gingerbread Latter – Starbucks

    As if Pumpkin Spice wasn’t enough, Starbucks smashes our tastes buds with this magical creation. Take your classic latte and chuck in some pieces of gingerbread and wafer crumbs. Delicious!

  4.  Black Forest Hot Chocolate – Costa

    Back at Costa, things really are getting serious. Rivalling Cafe Nero, Costa is taking on a classic desert also. Hot chocolate with Black Forrest syrup, whipped cream, chocolate sauce and a glazed cherry. Yum!

  5. Mint Hot Chocolate – Pret A Manger

    Keeping it simple, but classic is this little gem. Who knew that simply adding mint would create a perfect festive creation. This is a must try (also checkout their delicious festive food, we are living for it!).