What a week it’s been. There’s been such positive feedback, we’ve had more of a turn out to our events than last year and we’ve had more people sign up, not only to our society, but to our outreach programme. What’s more, we’ve had great opportunities with the university and societies.

Our face, our voice has been heard all around campus through the adverts, through social media and on DemonFM which has been wonderful! Our society is out there, they know who we are and because of this we’ve got more people coming to us, talking to us which is why we are here.

This years theme for DMU Pride is ‘Freedom To Be’. Freedom to inspire. Freedom to be who you want to be. And at a time like this I think it’s never been more impiortant to be free. To be able to be who you want to be and express your opinions, your beliefs, and yourself.

Our society, our university has so many different people within it. Different sexualities, different genders, different ethnicitys and races, different disabilities, and every single one of them have the chance to express themselves. DMU Pride isn’t just a party weekend with a parade, it’s a month long event full of acitivities that educate people and create discussion and deabte.A month to realise that you’re not alone and that we are here to support you.

If anyone has an issue with who they are or are afriad of who they are, they can some talk to us, without the fear of hatred and discrimination.

I hope you all have a happy and safe Pride and that it educates you as much as it has educated me.

Nikki Payne – Chairwoman of LGBT+ Society

Don’t forget to checkout all of the LGBT+ Societiy’s events for the month here.