Kelly’s Top 10 Queens From RuPaul’s Drag Race

Rupaul has been seen as an idol of the LGBTQ+ community ever since the 80’s. Yet who knew that since 2009 Drag Race would end up winning  an Emmy for outstanding TV reality host and bring taboo topics, such as HIV, into the light?

On top of that, the queens that have came through the last 8 (soon to be 9) seasons are amazing but here are my top 10 favourites.

Note: The opinions to follow are solely that of the named writer. You may agree, you may disagree it is entirely your call.


10. Bob the Drag Queen

Bob the Drag Queen was the winner of season 8 of the iconic TV show and with good reason. She is the first drag queen to do two celebrities impersonations in the iconic ‘Snatch Game’ challenge as well as slaying in the ‘Ru Paul’s Empire’ challenge and the election campaign. A purse first act.

9. Pandora Boxx

Pandora Boxx, one of the most quirkiest queens to have ever graced the RuPaul stage and a queen who went too soon in my opinion. Her impersonation of Carol Manning set a high bar for all snatch game entrants who followed her. Not to mention her character Granny Mcaw could sell me chicken seasoning anytime. Unfortunately due to the pairing twist, she didn’t really have a time to shine in all-stars, but her season 2 appearance is enough to place her on the list.


8. Latrice Royale

Most iconic for the line ‘get those nuts out of my face’, Royale is royal by name and royal by nature. From designing boats for pride to wrestling in a wig. There is nothing this hilarious legend can’t do (well, apart for winning) but the biggest reason this queen is on my list is her fantastic lip-sync of natural woman. Pure drag gold!


7.  Ginger Minj (Season 7 and All stars 2).

A lot of critics didn’t like season 7 yet I personally thought that there were a couple of diamonds among the rocks. I bring you Ginger Minj, the Floridian glamour toad is one of very few comedic queens who was capable of putting a great look together (other than that space abomination in All Stars 2). Her acting in the ‘Shakequeer’ challenge was fantastic and she made a really funny Adele in ‘Snatch Game’. Unfortunately she too fell to the curse of the all-stars going far too soon.


6. Willam Beli


If you’re gonna talk the talk you better walk the walk too. Willam is one of the few cocky queens who came in who was capable of walking the walk and then some. Her pride boat design was the most beautiful display of narcissism to date, her Jessica Simpson was a perfect impression that exaggerated her traits perfectly and she could hold her own when the other queens came for her. Unfortunately she didn’t go all the way to the end due to her husband but I would love to see her return for All Stars 3.


5. Jinx Monsoon

Meet the world’s first ever Jewish narcoleptic drag queen. Whilst her outfits were kooky, her humour was top notch. From her pipes during ‘can I get a gay men?’ to her carrying her team in the ‘magic bush’ to that final lip sync for her life where she murdered Detox. Jinx was the underdog who ended up on top.


4. Katya

The adorable Russian with anxiety makes my number 4 spot. Whilst she was most known in season 7 for her ‘Death becomes her’ look and her award for the ‘meatiest tuck.’ she also came into her own in All Stars 2. Her verse from ‘read U, wrote U’ was hilarious as was her advert for the ‘shark tank’ challenge allowing her to make the top 3.

3. Jujubee

Get out your fried chicken ladies and gentlemen for our number 3 choice. Jujubee is one of the older members of the Drag-Race clan but she will read you to filth. Not only that but she has a great knowledge of Shakespeare, amazing looks and a wicked sense of humour. Her lip-sync against Raven in All Stars 1 had every RuPaul fan crying their eyes out.

2. Raja Gemini (season 3)

There comes a time in every student’s life where they must accept that there is at least one person who can do something better that them. Raja is my admission. Seriously though, just look at that contour work and that lip. Admiration aside, Raja is one of the most fashionable queens to ever grace the world of Drag-Race. Her outfits were flawless and her Tyra Banks impression was hysterical. Needless to say, she won season 3 and has since made regular videos with Raven (from season 2) judging every other queens’ looks since.

1. Bianca Del Rio (season 6)

Get out your Rolodex of hate people, it’s time for my number 1 choice.. Season 6 had one of the most memorable cast of queens in any Rupaul season. All of the top 3 very much deserved to be in the final so Bianca was in one of the most competitive seasons to date. Then you look at challenges, she entered in Episode 2 and won with her Luau themed dress, then she won the comedy challenge in Episode 8 where she read everyone like a novel.  Then she won Episode 10 with a beautiful yellow wedding ensemble. Not only that but she is the only winner to have never been in the bottom two and is seen as the best winner overall. She is an insult queen with a good heart and that’s why she’s my favourite queen on Rupaul’s Drag Race.

Do you agree? Feel free to comment about which queen takes your number 1 spot.