Guide to Freshers @ DMU

Guide to Freshers @ DMU

The official freshers week @ DMU commences on Monday the 25th of September. So, get ready for quite possibly craziest week of your life. This week includes day and night events to help encourage you and other students to get to know the area and meet new people.

Now you may not be a party animal and that is absolutely fine, there is still plenty of activities that don’t include all of the pubs and clubs. On this list I will list all of the events I think are worth attending. This is not to say that the other events will be rubbish, i’m just saying I didn’t go to them last year and therefore, have know knowledge or feedback on how the events will go.


For example on Monday (25th) The Fresher Fair is being held.

@10am – 4pm Queen Elizabeth II Diamond Jubilee Leisure Centre DMU

This includes a hall full of people, businesses and hell of a lot of freebies. Here’s where you can really start seeing the benefits of being a student. If I remember collectedly I got a massive free pizza from domino’s when stepped through the door last year. I mean, come on, who doesn’t love free pizza! This is a chance to go round a huge hall and see what the city of Leicester has to offer. Most of the businesses in Leicester are represented here and give out a load of vouchers and deals to help you get settled into the city. This also gives you a chance to ask any questions you may have about the upcoming week as DMU representatives will be on hand plus, there will be wellbeing info available to help you. So, if you are free at some point on this day I would defiantly go to this event.

Top Tip: Make sure your bag is empty because as said previously the amount of freebies you get is ridiculous.


A night event on Monday (25th) is the UV Rave & Zoo Party

@ 10pm-3am and location is TBC.

Personally I did not attend this event last year but I did have some friends who did. They said it was an amazing and very surreal experience with people dressed as life size animals dancing to rap music. This was one of the first events last year to so, it was pretty full of freshers. I’d say if you can and your comfortable with it then try and get to this event so you can starting meeting people.

Top Tip: Don’t get there for 10pm. Aim for around 11-12pm so that the place is in full swing by the time you get there. Otherwise it might be a bit dead and it might not meet your club expectations right away.


Now on Tuesday (26th) there is a hell of a lot of day trips planned. For example there are trips to:

  • Alton Towers
  • Harry Potter Warners Bros Tour
  • Leicester Tigers
  • Twycross Zoo
  • King Richard iii Centre
  • Escape-Asylum

All amazing places to visit. I have visited all of these places before and can tell you they are all well worth a trip. Personally I’d go to one of the trips that are a little trip away because you can always come and do the Leicester based trips once you get back from whatever awesome day out you choose.

Top Tip: If you do choose to go on one of these trips, make sure you get plenty of sleep the night before. Believe me when I tell you, you don’t want to go on a car journey over 30 minutes with a major hangover. Just don’t do it dude!


A night event of Tuesday (25th) is The BIG FAT Love Leicester Quiz. 

@7:50pm – 10:30pm Milly Lane’s

If you’ve been out the night before then a quitter night might be just what you need. So, who doesn’t love a good old quiz. Hopefully you would have started to meet new people by now so, why not get them all together and make the best quiz team there is. Come on down to Milly lane’s in the student union and have a fun night, full of games and laughs.

I’d very much recommend this event.

Top Tip: Bring a pen and an awesome quiz team name! I always go for Quizzy McGuire.


The day events on Wednesday (27th) include:

  • Poster sale

@ 10am – 4pm Campus Centre Steps

  • Vintage Fair

@ 10am – 4pm Students’ Union, Campus Centre

Now these are both activities well looking into. The poster sale is cool because they are cheap and have every poster you could ever think of. Also as it’s only the first week of you being @ DMU your university walls may look a bit bare. Having plain walls is literally the worst, unless you’re going for that look of course. This is a chance to pick up some new posters to decorate your room with so, i’d definitely try and visit this event.

Also, if you like quirky antiques or rare items i’d pop down to the vintage fair and have a scan through all of the items. They are mostly quite cheap but you can find some really unique and obscure items at this event. I’d definitely recommend popping in and having a rummage through all of the items at some point on this day.

Top Tip: Bring a big bag because whatever activity you decide to have a look at, I can guarantee you’ll buy something. It’s the student way!


The night events of Wednesday (27th) include:

A non party event, Cinema Night: Doctor Strange.

@5:45pm – 8:30pm Hugh Aston HU3.02

What a movie! As a big movie myself I can tell you that this will be such an awesome event. An amazing movie that’s well worth the watch. I’d recommend attending this event if you’ve been partying the last 5 nights in a row in order to unwind. 

Top Tip: Bring some sneaky snacks to accompany this awesome movie!


Another night event on Wednesday (27th) is InJUNCTION Opening Party.

@ 10pm – 3am,De Montfort Students’ Union 

I did not attend this event last year but i’d recommend going. Our student union has just been rebuilt/upgraded so, i’d say this event will be interesting as it’s held on our lovely campus and overall I have a feeling it’ll be a good night out. I’d take this opportunity to meet even more new people so, be sure to get talking to everyone you see.

Top tip: Make sure your phone is charged and that you have an app that you want to add all these new people on. Snap Chat is a common one. This is so you can keep in contact and maybe blossom a friendship out of your first meeting.


Now Thursday is quite an important day! On Thursday (28th) the Activities Fair will be held.

@10am – 4pm QEII Leisure Centre

This is where all of the societies at DMU will be on display. Including TEA BREAK (Hello!). This is a chance for you to meet all of the societies that hold your interests and ask questions. There are hundreds of student groups plus Demon Media. GET INVOLVED! Joining societies was the best thing I ever did. It helped me keep busy and also gave me a focus. It lead me out of my comfort zone and helped me develop as a person. So, join was interests you. It’s a chance to make friends and form a support system for yourself.

Top Tip: Sign up to receive an email’s about the societies your interested in. This doesn’t mean your apart of the society! It just means you have the option to find out where they are meeting for the first time and overall gives you the option to decide whether you want to go and see what it’s about just that little bit more.


On Thursday (28th) at night there is the T-Shirt Bar Tour.

@28th September 6pm – 29th September 4am Various

Depending on what t-shirt you receive depends on what bar route you take. Now this event I did attend last year and it was super fun. Although silly me really had no idea how a bar tour worked. However, I did have such a fun night and met 3 of my now really good friends. So, yet again another good chance to meet people. This event also gives you the chance to get the know the area of Leicester as the pubs are dotted all over the town centre. I’d really recommend this event plus you get a t-shirt which you can look at a year later and smile while you remember the memories of that night.

Top tip: BE CAREFUL! It’s a quick turn around. Maybe don’t buy a drink at every pub/club because you don’t want to make yourself ill.


On Friday (29th) there is a couple of events going on: on this day.

For example, the Activity taster sessions take place.

This is for Demon Media (which I am a member of and would really recommend joining) and any DMU sport society.

@ 9am – 8pm Various Locations

I’m not going to lie to you I was so scared about turning up to one of these sessions last year. However, you know what, it was one of the best things I ever did. I did a taster for Demon TV of which we filmed a 30 minute news report of a zombie apocalypse. This was such a funny hour and it allowed me to work in the television studio and operate some pieces of equipment like the camera and sound systems.  After the hour had finished I just wanted to do more. This was an eye opener and I’m so glad I attended these sessions and got a taste of what was ahead.

Top tip: Take a deep breathe and go! You won’t regret it, I promise you that.


The Friday (29th) night events include, VIP Experience at The Social.

@10:30pm – 4am Club XY

I honestly don’t know much about this event as I didn’t attend it in my previous year. However, it’s yet again another chance for you to get out and meet new people so, i’d recommend going.

Top Tip: Stay Safe! Put some money aside for an uber or taxi because XY is a little bit of a walk away and, you certainly shouldn’t walk there or back on your own.


So, there you have it, a little bit of a run down for the week. After Friday there are still some night events happening but honestly i’d take the weekend to rest up and get things sorted before you start classes on the (2nd of October).

If you want to find out anything else about each of the events or about any of the society’s have a look on the DSU Website. Link’s below:


So, there you have it Tea Break’s guide to Freshers @ DMU!

Have fun and stay safe,

Until next time…

Tea Break Squad

De Montfort University’s blogging society.