Tea Break’s Secret Talent… Pumpkin Carving!

Last night we held our normal weekly meetings but this week we had a twist. With the spookiest night of the year fast approaching we thought we’d better get into the sprit. A tradition of halloween is to carve pumpkins so we thought we’d have a go ourselves. Little did we know we have some talented carvers in our society.

We gave each of our members a pumpkin and told them to do whatever design they wanted to.

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Luckily no fingers were chopped off during the creation of these master pieces.

The results we got were very impressive…

Screen Shot 2017-10-26 at 13.13.17And we had some funny moments along the way…

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Note to self the inside of a pumpkin feels so gross.

Anyway this was a lot of fun and I think everyone enjoyed the little craft session.

We then took them outside into our lovely moonlit campus and placed them on a wall. We then put some tea lights in them and the results were amazing…

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So, that was our latest meeting and I just had to share it with our readers.

Until Next time… Stay Spooky 0.o

Tea Break

De Montfort’s blogging society