Category Archive: Advice and Top Tips

Treat Yo Self: Halloween Edition.

Welcome to a new segment on Tea Break, the ‘Treat Yo Self’ article series. The rules are simple, we pick six ‘luxury’ items (from food to cosmetics and everything in between) that cost… Continue reading

How to have THE best halloween house party ever!

Despite Halloween being on a Monday (neigh) this doesn’t mean you can’t cheat and celebrate this spooky holiday the weekend before (yay!). Break out those jack o’lanterns, the packets of fake blood and… Continue reading

Making Your Uni Room A Place You Can Call Home.

When first moving into your new uni accommodation it can be daunting looking into the space and trying to see yourself living there for the next 8 months. However it’s actually a blank… Continue reading

10 Top Songs For A Fantastic Pre Drinks

A fantastic opportunity to meet new people while at uni is at pre drinks. You’ll often find them in your uni halls or get invited to them by your uni course mates and… Continue reading

New to DMU- From Attendee to organiser

On the 7th of September, De Montfort University is hosting a 3 day event for new students with Autism Spectrum Disorder (including Asperger’s). The residential is now in its 3rd year and I… Continue reading

10 Questions All DMU Freshers Are Asking

Fresher’s Week is a land of questions and wonder. However there are quite a few questions that have been popping up in various group chats and Facebook pages. Here at Tea Break, we’ve decided… Continue reading

Top 5 Remixes To Add To Your Freshers Soundtrack.

Following on from our successful ‘Top 5 Tracks To Add To Your Summer Playlist’ we decided to share some top remixes to play during your freshers week. Designed to get the whole room up… Continue reading

How To Pack For Uni? The Book Worm Edition.

The thought of packing for uni is creeping up closer and closer, and all you can think about is: “Which books am I going to take?” And while you stare at your bookcase,… Continue reading

How To Pack For Uni? The Clothes Lover Edition 

The thought of packing for uni is creeping up closer and closer, and all you can think about is: How am I gonna pack all my clothes? No matter how hard you wish that… Continue reading

How To Pack For Uni? The Essential Edition

The thought of packing for uni is creeping up closer and closer, and all you can think about is: How/What do I take with me? Whether you’re excited, nervous or just can’t wait… Continue reading

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