Category Archive: Cooking

Halloween Recipes!

Are you hosting a party or wanting to get in the spooky spirit all by yourself? Well here’s a few recipes to help you get your freak on! Recipe 1: Ingredients: 25 g… Continue reading

What to take to university? Checklist Edition

  What to take to university? CHECKLIST EDITION: We all have needs and wants when it comes to our possessions. Some of us are minimalists and some of us are either self-confessed or… Continue reading

Homemade Festive Goodies!

What says Christmas to me is the delicious treats that you can buy from the shops or even make yourself. Here are some of my favourite recipes and trust me once you try… Continue reading


Mince Pies are the ultimate festive treat, and as fun as they are to eat with a cup of tea while you watch ‘Home Alone’, its also tremendous fun to make them as… Continue reading

The Best Christmas Drinks of 2016

Here at Tea Break we love a good hot cuppa, and since all the coffee shops have brought out their Christmas lines, there was only one question on our lips. Which drinks were… Continue reading

Tasty Salmon Recipe

  This is a really tasty dish and it’s super easy to make! It’s a filling meal and relatively healthy too. The original recipe can be found here, but I’ve made a few adjustments!… Continue reading


Lorna Ball @lornasleaning Pancake Day (or Shrove Tuesday as others like to call it) this year is on 9th February, and it often gets overlooked, but why? Pancakes are delsih. In our family,… Continue reading


By Anne-Marie Lees. @lizzydrip91 Pitta bread is a student essential. It’s a great snack and you can make some easy lunches with it but have you ever considered turning them into a pizza?… Continue reading


Sometimes all you crave is a takeaway, but even with 50% off they are still expensive! Not to mention that the pizza can be 2000 calories without any sides. So what can you… Continue reading


We all love the concept of a good old candy overload during the Halloween period, but for some of us, such as myself, toffee apples can be a nightmare for sore, and potentially… Continue reading

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