Top 5 Tracks To Add To Your Summer Playlist

The heat is (finally) here. Long summer evenings and blue skies means that the summer has started. Where there is summer, there are people and parties. There’s also long walks, lazy days in fields and hot journeys to and from work.

All of this needs it’s own soundtrack. Here are five top tracks to add to your summer playlist for 2016. You can find all the links to the music videos by simply clicking the titles. Enjoy.


  1. Basically Over You (B.O.Y.) By Alex Newell. 

    Do you remember a music show called Glee? (Don’t deny it, we know you’ve at least watched one whole episode), well Alex Newell played the transgender character Unique and has since then released his own EP which has been taking America by storm. One of the first tracks (and one of my personal favourites) Basically Over You is all about telling that one person in your life that you’ve moved on. Perfect for getting over winter breakups and moving onto summer love!

  2. Sexy Funk Thing By Titus Jones.

    What happens when you have a mash up consisting of Justin Timberlake, Bruno Mars, Rod Stewart and Hot Chocolate? A tune that you will have on repeat all day, everyday. Play it at a house party or on the beach, this remix will certainly get everyone up on their feet.

  3. I Really Like You (Alexiis Remix) by Carly Rae Jempson.

    If you really want those chilled out summer vibes, then this remix of Carly Rae Jempson’s song is just what you need. Picture the scene, you’re on the beach, with all your friends, drinking an ice cold drink while having this play in the background. A pop favourite, reborn with a Reggae sound.

  4. Have A Nice Day By The Stereophonics.

    Perfect for driving with the roof down and the sun up, this song will get you in that feel good summer mood. You’ll have definitely have heard this on the radio (or even be blessed of hearing it when it was first released) and is just the epitome of summer. A great way to start your day!

  5. Let Your Love Flow By The Bellamy Brothers

    An oldie, but a goodie. This acoustic ‘hippie’ style song is perfect around a campfire while the sky turns from baby blue to sapphire red. With compelling lyrics and a mellow tone, this song is one to raise your glasses too.


By Jack Wilkin



Header Photo by Jack Wilkin