Finding Dory. A splash out or a wet fish?

When someone tells you the basic plot of Finding Nemo, you would think it would be some crazed psycho thriller movie. Instead, we are taken into the deep ocean, as a distressed clownfish seeks to find his kidnapped son, Nemo.

It’s always on SkyMovies and always manages to get children and adults attention. The animation is stunning, with witty one liners and a story that stays with you forever. It was only a matter of time till we returned to that world under the deep blue. Who knew that it would only take 13 years for that to happen!




This time though, Dory is remembering. She’s remembering her family and where she is from. Determined to find them, she asks the help of her trusted friends Marlin and Nemo, and set out across the ocean once again. While a plethora of familiar faces appear, new and hilarious characters add to this rich world. With Hank the Septopus, Beckie the bird and Dory’s pipe pal friend all helping her to find her parents, this results in an enjoyable, emotional and entertaining story.

At times it does feel that the creators were trying to stretch the story (or just trying to fill their time quota by adding things that, even for a Disney film, were a bit too far). Yet it still keeps children and adults riveted to the screen. Be prepared though for tears, upsets and sobs as this story is by far the most emotional story yet.

4 out of 5 stars.

Jack Wilkin

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