15 Things You Have To Do Before The End Of Your First Year At DMU

How many will you be able to tick off?

    1. Join A Society\Sports Team.

Varsity teams 2015

Google Image Link: http://www.dmu.ac.uk/webimages/About-DMU-images/News-images/2015/March/Varsity-inset.jpg
Page Link: http://www.dmu.ac.uk/about-dmu/news/2015/march/varsity-round-up-first-weekend-of-varsity-comes-to-an-end-video.aspx

DMU is well known for its wide variety of sports teams and societies. There is pretty much a certainty that you will find a club that you will enjoy. If not, why not create your own? If you want to create a society dedicated to unicorns then you go Glenn Coco!


    2. Joining Up Groups And Getting Offers You Never Knew Existed.


The moment you join any of the DMU Facebook pages, in come the drink offers, the events and the endless notifications of things going on around Leicester. From finding out about 2for1 VKs to when Republic are having Quids in Mondays, you’ll know. Plus you’ll know about every Injunction themed party at the SU from now until you graduate, a win win for all.


  1. Go For Pizza At Bede Park.


Google Image Link: http://paypizzapal.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/01/dominos-at-PayPal.jpg
Webpage Link: http://freshvege.com/25-off-on-400-dominos-pizza/

Bede Park is the home for pizza. You’ve got the student friendly Pizza King (which is very popular at 3 o’clock in the morning) and Domino’s, which is pretty much busy at every other time. Whichever you choose, it will be eaten at Bede during exam period.


  1. Pull An All-Nighter.


Google Image link: http://cdn.instructables.com/FGQ/FVHR/GDCUNRF1/FGQFVHRGDCUNRF1.MEDIUM.jpg
Webpage Link: http://www.instructables.com/id/How-to-pull-off-the-best-and-healthiest-all-night/

Even the most organised person has to pull one and a majority of the time it won’t be by choice. So indulge in those cheap cans of energy drink and be warned, it will be the first of many.


     5.Have A Night Out At Mosh.


Google Image Link: http://www.leicestermercury.co.uk/images/localworld/ugc-images/276308/Article/images/28169429/11379348.jpg
Web Page Link: http://www.leicestermercury.co.uk/nightclubs-spend-evening-leicester/story-28169429-detail/story.html

They have dance music, cheese music, indie music and everything inbetween. It’s like the perfect nightclub for students. Three floors of music heaven and a 24 hour Subway next door!


  1. Go To A High Cross Student Session.


Google Image Link: https://www.drapersonline.com/pictures/2000x2000fit/1/1/6/1331116_highcross.jpeg
Webpage Link: https://www.drapersonline.com/news/hugo-boss-to-move-into-highcross-in-leicester/5064242.fullarticle

There are normally 2-3 of these a year and they are almost always just after loan day. During these sessions Highcross is only open to students and some stores give exclusive discounts. For example it is the only time BodyShop give student discount which is really awesome. They also have a plethora of freebies as well.


  1. Go Pokémon Hunting.


Google Image Link: http://www6.pcmag.com/media/images/508800-pokemon-go.jpg?thumb=y&width=740&height=426
Webpage Link: http://uk.pcmag.com/feature/82938/pokemon-go-how-the-pokeconomy-is-changing-business-one-lure

DMU is an amazing place to use the Pokémon Go app if you haven’t already. There are 2-3 gyms within walking distance of each other, several Pokestops and Bede always has a lure. Moreover this year, there is a Pokémon Go society.


  1. Run/Vote In The DSU Elections.


Google Image Link: http://queens-politics.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/01/elections_photo.jpg
Webpage Link:http://www.stratfordwi.com/index.asp?SEC=9177BDF4-F433-423F-9816-818FD2E0277E

Did you know that the DSU Full time and part time reps were voted in by current students. To add it’s just normal students like you who take part in the elections. Even if you don’t fancy running, it is important that you vote. DSU Student Voice will give all of the details nearer the time.


  1. Compete In Varsity.


Google Image Link: http://s2.quickmeme.com/img/e6/e662981fc918cc6e46ea7a9dd24ec7574bf36762391520154adfda49e4fd7fe5.jpg
Webpage Link: http://www.quickmeme.com/meme/3pej46

For those who don’t know what varsity is, it’s our annual competition with those across the green (University of Leicester). A large majority of the sports teams compete and there is even more of a push for societies to compete this year. So prepare to get your game on!


  1. Visit Cultural Exchange Week.


Google image link: http://www.dmu.ac.uk/webimages/Art-Design-and-Humanities-images/cultural-exchanges-festival/2016/3644.5-cultural-exchanges-2016-web-bnr.png
Webpage Link: http://www.dmu.ac.uk/cultural-exchanges-festival/index.aspx

We have two enhancement weeks at DMU. One in the middle of term one (of which I have my dissertation conference. #NotCool) and one in the middle of term two. Cultural Exchange week takes place during term two and is organised by 3rd year Arts and Festival management students. Previous guests include Carol Ann Duffy, Willy Russell and the wonderful Paris Lee. Most of the events are free so have watch out for the full line up in term two.


  1. Check Out The LGBT bars And Nightclubs.


Google Image Search: http://www.clubhelsinki.co.uk/img/home-bg.jpg
Webpage Link: http://www.clubhelsinki.co.uk/

Leicester has a good variety of gay bars and clubs. For example Rainbow and Dove have £1.50 Jagerbombs on Wednesdays and Helsinki has £6 alcoholic buckets (did I mention you get it served in sandcastle style buckets! Fabulous isn’t even the word). Bosa also provides cocktails and coffee for the more sophisticated person.


  1. Visit Leicester’s Fruit And Veg Market.


Google Image  Source: http://cdn-media-1.lifehack.org/wp-content/files/2015/05/05.jpg
Website Link: http://www.lifehack.org/articles/lifestyle/10-amazing-benefits-strawberries-that-you-probably-never-knew.html

Leicester market is in a great central location and has a wide variety of fruit and veg stands. You can very easily get all your fresh fruit and veg for a tenner and, if kept correctly, can easily last from 10 days to two weeks.

Top Tip: For things like berries, eat a portion and freeze the rest. Then either blend, suck until thawed or add in your favourite drink.


  1. Visit The Golden Mile During Diwali And Christmas.


Google Image Link: http://legacymedia.localworld.co.uk/275788/Article/images/13676946/3285327.png
Webpage Link: http://www.leicestermercury.co.uk/thousands-flock-leicester-s-golden-mile-diwali/story-13676946-detail/story.html

The famous Golden Mile is given its name for two reasons. Firstly it has the largest collection of gold shops outside of India, secondly during Diwali, the whole mile is bathed in beautiful golden light. The whole atmosphere is something that has to be seen in order to be appreciated properly.

Top Tip: If it visits this year, also take a ride on the Leicester eye. It really allows you to have a bird’s eye view. Just don’t go if it’s windy.


  1. Take A Dip In The Leicester Fountain.


Google Image Link: http://static.panoramio.com/photos/large/21198498.jpg
Webpage Link: http://www.panoramio.com/photo/21198498

I will warn you now, this paddle is always in the middle of the night, during Winter and normally under the influence of some sort of alcoholic beverage. But this place is beautiful, especially at Christmas with its festive lights and decorations.


  1. Write/Create Video Content For Tea Break.


There is no doubt that during your first year, you will be getting up to all sorts of adventures. Whether it’s checking out that latest pub or panicking about that first deadline, there is bound to be at least one particular moment that causes you to get inspiration for an article/video. So why don’t you submit something for the blog. In exchange we can offer you tea, fun and a supportive atmosphere.

From myself and everyone here at Tea Break we hope you have a great freshers week and a fantastic first year.


Kelly Davies